
Dr. Gayle Madeleine Randall always appreciates feedback from her valued patients. To date, we’re thrilled to have collected with an average rating of 5 out of 5 stars. Please read what others are saying about Dr. Gayle Randall below, and as always, we would love to collect your feedback.


I cannot say thank you to Dr Randall & Toni enough for their help & what they do. Having treatment from Dr Randall was the best life decision I’ve made and completely changed my life and outlook on life and in truth probably saved my life. Toni was so helpful with tests & shipping of supplements with me being 8000 miles from them and if she hadn’t heard from me in a while, would check in just to make sure I was doing ok. The testing a treatment for lack of neurotransmitters etc. I’d never even heard of and I don’t believe it’s even available in the UK. So examples I’ve gone from not being interested in anything about life to rebuilding my IT contracting company, back competing in cycling and training, travelling globally again, successfully trading futures again, I eat far healthier, sleeping properly as a good night’s sleep for the last 20 years was 4 hours, my horrendous anger issues have gone, my moods wildly vacillating out of control from one extreme to another at least 50 times a day have gone, illogical fears I had are totally gone, I have so much more patience, I get along with people far better, a number of friends have even commented my personality has changed for the better, I laugh a lot more, I think far more clearly, my memory seems to have returned and the list goes on. So do not hesitate or have any doubts about receiving treatment from Dr Randall it might just change your life for the better it did for me. 

Andrea R.


Dr Randal has been my doctor now for 7 years. She gives me enough time to really feel heard and her advice and treatments are cutting edge in quality and the latest in full body, mind, spirit Integrative health

Amanda L.


I love this Dr.!! I had suffered terrible anxiety and hormonal issues when I first went to Dr. Randall two years ago. I am now free of my anxiety and she has balanced my hormones. She also monitors my health and keeps me healthy. I am so thankful for all her help and will continue to see her to maintain my health. I had searched a long and hard for a Dr. who had both medical and alternative health knowledge and found that in Dr. Randall. She is excellent!

Patricia H.


I was in complete disarray before flying down to see Dr. Randall. Not only did she diagnose and treat me, she helped me through the rough emotional patches when I felt like giving up the fight. Now two years later, I’m back to normal and I have my life back…..Dr. Randall is truly an angel that walks among us on this earth! With her knowledge and gifts, I have reached a new level of health and wellness that I didn’t believe was attainable before!

Rica M.


I’ve been a practicing Chiropractor for 35 years in Malibu and I now the value of a skilled Functional Medicine practitioner. Dr Randall has completely resolved my most puzzling health issues. I refer all my patients to Dr Randall. Treating and resolving the cause is Dr Randalls greatest skill.

Bruce P.


Dr Randal is so knowledgeable , and sincerely cares. Her no BS approach to addressing the root cause is refreshing and appreciated . She goes above and beyond ,as does Her Team. Rhonda and Toni are top notch. Professional, positive and always helpful .

Cyndee E.


Always Pleasant on time with excellent medical results and findings. Highly recommend Dr. Randall for any future medical needs.

Dragan M.


Dr Randall is always willing to take her time on all my appointments, explaining everything I need to know carefully. She is also experienced in many alternative healing methods as well as her extensive medical practice. She is always available when I need her.

Amanda L.


How lucky we all are to have a doctor who is an expert on medicine and a spiritual master. I don’t know anyone else in the universe who has that resume. Dr.Randall has been my dr for years and has been a godsend. I recommend her to everyone who wants vibrant health. I am forever grateful

Audrey H.


I have so many good things to say about Doctor Randall and her practice, that I hardly know where to begin. I have been her patient for a few years now, but over the last year I can honestly say that Dr. Randall has become one of the most important people in my life. In order to shed some light on what an amazing healer and medical practitioner she is, I will have to divulge part of my story. Additionally, I would like to mention that the staff at Randall Wellness are friendly, professional and have become much like family to me. A year and a half ago, during a span of time where I was living in Canada, I went from being a healthy active individual to being physically and emotionally debilitated within just a few months. This was largely due to improper medical treatment, followed by several inaccurate diagnoses. I visited three different doctors in Canada, as well as a myriad of visits to the ER, only to return home even more ill and more depressed. It came to the point where I was reaching a critical stage in my health, and it became apparent to me that I would not be able to get the medical attention I needed in Canada. Thus, I decided to hop on a plane to Los Angeles for a consultation and full medical assessment with Dr. Randall. All I can say is WOW! After greeting me with a big hug that I desperately needed at the time, she assessed me, sent me for extensive tests and finally … provided an accurate diagnosis within a few days! I was brought to tears and felt utterly relieved that after months of pain, anguish and lost hope, I would be able to start my road to recovery and optimal health under the care and supervision of Dr. Randall. It has been almost one year exactly since my diagnosis and after following Dr. Randall’s protocol and nutritional advice, I am in a completely different place health-wise. I am now able to work again and my healing progress has been nothing short of a dramatic 180-degree turnaround. It goes without saying that Dr. Randall is truly outstanding at what she does. Her holistic approach, coupled with an extensive knowledge of internal, integrative and functional medicine, has literally saved my life. If you are looking for answers and healing or simply want to improve your quality of life, I highly recommend her wellness clinic. Many thanks and blessings to you, Doctor Randall — I cannot fully express my heartfelt gratitude for all that you and your staff have done for me!

Rica M.


Dearest Dr. Randall, Olivia Hussey Eisley is my Best Friend for close to 30 years. Actually, she is even more than that……she is my spiritual sister. Olivia has been there for me, unconditionally through many things. She is the first and only soul, other than the higher power who has loved me unconditionally and without judgement. I am writing to you to say Thank You and to express my endless gratitude for coming into her life. YOU are truly an Angel, and I mean that literally. In a short time, you have restored her confidence, her trust and hope. God Bless You ALWAYS for that. Olivia speaks of you with the highest of admiration and regard. It is truly incredible and wonderful to hear the vibrancy of life and excitement back in her lovely voice. If I said Thank You to you and Howard a trillion times, it would not be near enough for the two beautiful souls that you are, watching over her. You are in my prayers, Always and my thankfulness and gratitude for you and Howard are endless. God Bless You and Yours, ALWAYS.♥️♥️♥️ P.S. Olivia does not know that I am writing to you, but I trust and know that she would agree to all that I have said. ♥️

Kevin R.


I can’t express enough gratitude to Dr. Randall, Nurse Rhonda and Mrs. Toni for always providing exceptional service in a welcoming environment. They are always professional, courteous and very efficient. I’m on the road to recovery, thanks to the ladies of Randall Wellness!!! #Team Randall

Napoleon S.


Dr. Gayle M. Randall is extremely knowledgable and personable, and I don’t hesitate to recommend her highly. She treats the whole person and pays attention to the root cause of any issue rather than just treating the symptoms. She is a true credit to her profession; I am beyond impressed by her manner, her expertise and the fact that any patient seeing her has her complete and undivided attention. She has a very busy and successful practice, but makes the time for one-on-one attention. My experience with Dr. Randall has been exceptional, and her extensive work as an Internist and healer in many different areas from the physical body to the spirit and her cross-cultural knowledge are second to none. She is a visionary and a star at what she does for her patient’s health and I’m privileged to know her and to have access to her vast skill set. Dr. Randall also graced my radio show “The Real Deal With Dr. Danielle Delaney” (www.voiceamerica.com/episode/100525) with her wise presence recently, and was tremendously well-received as she shared her expertise with my millions of listeners in over 125 countries. Her approach to health and to healing is a breath of fresh air. Consider yourself extremely fortunate if you have become her patient. ~Dr. Danielle Delaney, Th.D www.danielledelaneycounseling.com

Dr Danielle D.


In life it is rare to come across someone who so completely gets you. Beyond the shadow of a doubt, Dr. Randall is indeed blessed with this gift, a gift for listening, sensing, and understanding one’s issues, no matter how complex. Her kind and caring spirit — and integrity — made all the difference throughout my precarious road to wellness while in the throes of a devastating and debilitating illness.

After having been mismanaged by some “top doctors” at some of the finer institutions on the West Coast, Dr. Randall was able to accurately and expertly diagnose and treat the underlying cause of my issue(s) instead of merely managing the symptoms. With her in my corner, I am beyond fortunate — and I know it. I remain happy and thrilled to be thriving well beyond expectations to this point. And Dr. Randall has had practically everything to do with this. She is empowered with a dynamic and proven track record for utilizing conventional medicine then complementing it with well-established alternative therapies.

To this day, I continue to feel better with each passing week. Better still is the peace of mind I have in knowing that I am, for certain, her patient for life.

Mike B.


I met Dr. Randall in 1993 when a close friend was dying at the VA hospital in Los Angeles. He was Robert Sundance, a prominent Lakota Sioux Native leader. Though not the attending physician, Dr. Randall sensed something was wrong and became involved in his care. She went out of her way to see to his comfort and moved him to a private room. Because of her attention, he became alert and oriented for the first time in months. Her care and sensitivity in dealing with his passing left a lasting impression on me.

Later, I contacted her for assistance with my own health issues. I was suffering from chronic lack of energy, indigestion, acid reflux, stomach pains, nausea and simply feeling lousy. After some initial tests, she started me on my path to recovery. She recommended certain lifestyle changes such as diet, supplements and herbs, exercise, stress reduction, attending women’s dream circle and reading a book called Women Who Run with the Wolves. I remember her saying do all the above but you really won’t truly get well until you read the book. That really caught my attention. I had never encountered a doctor who addressed health in such a total way. She prescribed something for the body, mind, emotions and spirit. That was my first encounter with her “Soul Doctoring.” My health improved and so did my entire life. I am a true believer in the power of “Soul Doctoring.” I try to follow her ever-evolving vision of health and well-being. I feel so very blessed to have such a special doctor, teacher and friend.

Donna M.


Madeleine Randall is generous and wise with her counsel, which begins with a distinguished background in mainstream medicine and then draws on her knowledge of the holistic and Native American traditions. I find it especially important that her philosophy on nutrition is sound and healthy, aimed at longevity and preventing or combating disease, rather than at quick and temporary weight loss. Her advice and encouragement has been invaluable to me.

Roger Ebert, Ebert & Roper at the Movies


Several years ago, I was trying to retire from a busy law practice and I met in consultation with Dr. Randall to help me with intractable back pain. Was it my back, or was it in my kidneys? I was ready for CT scans, EMGs or whatever would help. (Later, Dr. Randall shared with me that she suspected it was my emotional spiritual process.) First, she proved to me I was physically healthy then she suggested “ceremony”, which was non-invasive and worth a try. During the ceremony, I drifted off and became a turtle carrying the world on my back, then I climbed out of the water and up on the beach.

When the ceremony ended, it was like coming up out of a meditative state. My back pain was gone! I had put down the weight of the world. I sold my practice and worked part time, then started a new practice without stress and with more personal success than I’d ever enjoyed.

There’s no more carrying the world on my back, thanks to Dr. Randall.

Harold Greene


I had the very good fortune to work with Dr. Madeleine Randall in both group sessions and a private session. We were asked to choose a problem we would like to address. Mine was two-fold: the ability to “move on in life,” and to have “absence of fear.”

I’ve been living in a noisy apartment for the last few years. I felt like a victim for so long. Madeleine gave me the strength to move on in my life. I used to be afraid to make changes, but with her help, I’m embracing the unknown possibilities and changes. When we finished with her medicine wheel, a hawk flew overhead, and showed the way to make our hopes soar.

She came to counsel me privately, which only enhanced what I started to learn in our group sessions. Another major break through had to do with a past boyfriend, who kept coming back into my life, and never adding security. Four years ago I wrote to him, asking him not to contact me again. He called the week that I was leaving for California. It became so crystal clear after my sessions… I wrote a letter and had it mailed from California, not to contact me again, and that I didn’t want to share the second half of my life with him. He got the letter and called the day he received it. When he left a message on my private line, at work, I heard his name and just disconnected it. There was no need to hear what he had to say anymore.

On my last day at the apartment, someone knocked at my door very early. She apologized and said, “I’m so sorry, I was told that the person staying here had left.” I smiled and thought, “Yes, part of her has departed. I then went out my back door, and two hawks flew overhead, one to celebrate the departed portion of me and one to celebrate the new me. AH HO!!!



I was referred to Doctor Randall by a friend and I was initially enticed by the fact that Doctor Randall was actively blending all the best practices and knowledge from both East and Western cultures. I figured, how much more successful will I be in maintaining optimum health and wellness by having access to a Doctor trained in both East and West Integrative medicine. I went to Doctor Randall with a minor skin issue I wanted changed, and after speaking with Doctor Randall, she felt that I may need to see a specialist in Dermatology.

Throughout our conversation, Doctor Randall took an extremely active role in exploring the issues and investigating them. She would use her computer and other reference material in helping investigate the best possible Doctor to help me with the situation. When we found a suitable Dermatologist together, Doctor Randall, called the Dermatologist’s office herself and let them know that she was sending one of her patient’s to them by way of referral. In all of the many Doctor’s visits I have been to in my life, I have never experienced such a level of care, concern, proactiveness and warmth from a Doctor. In so many of my previous Doctor’s visits with other Doctor’s, I have felt like a sucker.

The Doctor comes in and speaks with me for maybe 3 1/2 minutes, barely makes eye contact with me, looks down at a chart, and writes a prescription and charges me hundreds of dollars. Doctor Randall was unlike any doctor I have ever been to and the most special thing about Doctor Randall is when I heard from my dear friend who referred me to Doctor Randall, that Doctor Randall prays for each of her patients every night. Doctor Randall listens, intuitively understands potential issues very quickly, and has a wealth of knowledge to assist her in her healing practice. I am so healthy that I have not had the need to visit Dr. Randall for some time. I would recommend Doctor Randall to everyone who is looking for a gifted medical practitioner.

Matthew Schonbrun


I’ve treasured Gayle Madeleine Randall since 1996, when I dubbed her the Malibu Witch Doctor, because her energy freed my spirit to whirligig around the universe for weeks after our encounters. Each wellness consultation left me feeling as though I’d powwowed with a visionary mystic who could rival William Blake. Sometimes I didn’t know what she was talking about. But she always did. And it was mesmerizing. All the while I’d be thinking, “How did this woman get to be so powerful? Who are those dream sisters she alludes to frequently? And who is that dream teacher she sees when her medicine needs a tweak?”

She worked a marvelous cure when anxiety so seized me that I couldn’t write the book I’d undertaken. She listened, with her soul, to diagnose my shattered state. She explained that I was in the throes of a shamanic transformation. She recounted how many a shaman disassembled into shatters to reassemble into a novel whole. She impressed on me the importance of completing my book because she believed me attuned to the shake up in the universe. She told me about numerous people, herself included, who’d braved experiences similar to mine that year. Why? There was a tear in the dream fabric; water was rushing through it; the tribe was being redefined; all the rules were changing. She encouraged me, as a shaman-scribe, to digest those events and feed tales of change to the tribe. Now, didn’t I feel better?

I did every day thereafter. These days I’m thrilled that the book is almost complete. I’m grateful that Madeleine is my healer, teacher, dream sister, friend. And I’m honored to sign off with the name she bestowed on me.

Shattering Light Woman

(aka Cheri Alma Ayres)


She is the best “Doc” I have ever had! She combines the two worlds in medicine: conventional and alternative, which was the heavenly news when I first found out about her. Then I met her and get to see what a loving and caring person she is. My health improved tremendously since I started seeing her and I feel younger and healthier every day thanks to her! THANKS A MILLION, DR . RANDALL!. LOVE YOU! YOU ARE THE BEST!

Yasemin E.


Words definitely are not adequate to express all that Dr. Randall has done for me as my physician. I will try to describe some of the qualities that I find to be unique about Dr. Randall that I have appreciated:

One quality that is unique about Dr. Randall that I rarely find with other physicians is the way she always takes the time to really listen to me as her patient. She has always been quick to respond any time I have needed medical advice. I also appreciate her ability to provide a treatment plan that works for me as an individual, taking into account any allergies or sensitivities that I have. I find Dr. Randall to be a creative, extremely caring, sensitive, brilliant physician. I can’t really say enough to express how grateful I am to Dr. Randall for the care she has given me through the years as my doctor and friend. Thank you, Thank you, Dr. Randall, YOU ARE THE BEST!

Suzanne V.