Get inspired with Dr Randall and Lewis E. Mehl-Madrona! Lewis is the author of the Coyote trilogy. (Five books) His work discusses healing practices from Lakota, Cherokee and Cree traditions, and how they intersect with conventional medicine. Mehl-Madrona has been writing about the use of imagery and narrative in healing since the 1980s.
His focus arises out of a desire to celebrate indigenous culture, particularly that of North America, and to show how contemporary health care practices can be enriched through the inclusion of the ideas of indigenous culture into contemporary work. He speaks about traditional healing, about how psychotherapy and medicine can be modified to include the insights of traditional healing. He is interested in narrative medicine as a means for which storied indigenous practices enter contemporary medicine and psychology. Also in dialogical self theory and therapy as a contemporary parallel to the self-theory of indigenous cultures. He is interested in how we can train new doctors to be simultaneously humanistic, narrative, and evidence-based.
Lewis graduated from Stanford University School of Medicine and trained in family medicine, psychiatry, and clinical psychology. He completed his residencies in family medicine and in psychiatry at the University of Vermont College of Medicine. He has been on the faculties of several medical schools, most recently as associate professor of family medicine at the University of New England. He continues to work with aboriginal communities to develop uniquely aboriginal styles of healing and health care for use in those communities. He is interested in the relation of healing through dialogue in community and psychosis. He is the author of Coyote Medicine, Coyote Healing, and Coyote Wisdom, a trilogy of books on what Native culture has to offer the modern world. He has also written Narrative Medicine, Healing the Mind through the Power of Story: the Promise of Narrative Psychiatry, and, his most recent book with Barbara Mainguy, Remapping Your Mind: the Neuroscience of Self-Transformation through Story.